Eating sugar affects our brains negatively.
Sugar is a carbohydrate called sucrose made up from:
Fructose and Glucose.
Glucose is used for energy.
Fructose is changes into glucose.
Sugar contains no protains, vitamins, minerals or fiber.
As soon as sugar touches the tip of your tongue signals are send to your brain. This turns on the reward system of your brains that feels good.
Sugar causes dopamine to be released, like other addictive substance.
If you eat a lot of sugar your body and the cells in your brain will be hurt and with time you will get weaker.
Sugar is so bad that you can compare its addictive effects to cocaine.
Too much sugar can make you hyperactive and make it hard to concentrate.
What sugar can do to your brain...
It affects the ability of cells to communicate. It affects memory, how ideas are processed, and your mood.
Besides affecting your brain, sugar damages your whole body,
Sugar may cause:
-Type 2 diabetes
-Heart disease
-High blood pressure
-and more...
Why did this article interest me?
This article about sugar interested me because now a days you may find sugar in most of the food you eat. Besides, I like sugar a lot, and every time I eat lots of sugar my mom reminds me that sugar is one of the worst things you may eat, that it may damage your brain. This is why I decided to look for information about this.
Global Context
I think this article about sugar should go in the section of Identities and Relationships because it is related with ourselves as humans and our relationship with food and our environment.
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Hyperlink: https://www.medicaldaily.com/how-does-sugar-affect-your-brain-turns-out-very-similar-way-drugs-and-alcohol-295034